Our Work

We don't shout about it very often, but we're proud that we get asked to build some really impressive, innovative and user-friendly software products that solve some of our customers' most challenging business problems.

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Enterprise DevOps

WayFinder - A continuous improvement engine for your software development teams

After years of consulting to solve common software development and organisational problems across many industries, the team at Mechanical Rock have developed WayFinder, a continuous improvement engine which converts real data to actionable insights. WayFinder provides detailed guidance to implement action plans and then tells you how you are tracking as it monitors your progress. Software development teams can now navigate their data to find what's relevant, driving real transformational improvement by following industry led good practice and data driven insights.

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Data Platforms

Visualising Back Office Data

Client: Bamboo

Using AWS QuickSight, Snowflake and dbt to visualise data for data-driven decision making and operational efficiencies.

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Streamlining a 7-Phase Application Process

Client: Dept of Planning, Lands & Heritage

Our Mechanical Rock design team was engaged to support a Government initiative for the replacement of the Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage's FASTPlan system. Engaging with key stakeholders, subject matter experts, and undertaking user research and discovery to understand both user goals and needs, our designers created seven user journey maps to illustrate how the the new system would be streamlined to work alongside the 7-phase application process. Working closely with the project team over a 3 month period, our designers translated user, business and technical requirements into a series of wireframe concepts, UI mock-ups and prototypes to inform how the new end solution will be accessible, intuitive, and a delightful user experience

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Product Development

Smart Maintenance Apps

Client: Woodside

Building on cloud native technology, using cutting edge web and serverless solutions, Mechanical Rock delivered a suite of 'smart' applications to support Woodside maintenance teams in the field. These apps eliminated paper based processes and gave mobile maintenance technicians the same degree of access to enterprise systems as they would have in the office. The SMARTapps solution brought together the power of cloud native computing, with modern web technologies, to deliver a seamless mobile solution for maintenance engineers in the field.

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Product Development

New platform. New app. And a new way of working.

Client: Quickmail

Mechanical Rock delivered a new software platform on AWS infrastructure, which significantly improved system scalability, flexibility, total cost optimisation, reliability, monitoring and security. The platform allowed Quickmail to quickly roll out custom-designed, light-weight applications, that solved both user and customer problems, bringing immediate value to the business. In the following 3 months, Mechanical Rock created the first of many apps, Warehouse Asset Management (WAM), to replace their paper-based system. The new application digitised their workflow process, seamlessly integrating the flow of information and data into their software platform.

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Maintenance Build Tool

Client: Woodside

The Maintenance Build Tool is a strategic planning application, which facilitates and guides the Maintenance Build process, retains key decisions and information to ensure optimised, consistent maintenance plans and schedules across all assets.

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Product Development

Investigations Framework: A Modern Workflow Management Application


Mechanical Rock delivered a modern and domain-specific application for Australia's offshore energy regulator, that enables a transparent, consistent and improved approach to how investigations are conducted and managed. The solution provides the solid foundation for the modernisation of NOPSEMA's systems and integrates seamlessly with the existing regulatory management system, allowing users to easily access the new workflow.

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Product Development

DevOpsDream Online Game

A game for modern tech leaders to improve software delivery and organisational performance, based on real industry insights. In the DevOpsDream you play the newly hired CIO of a company who must drive software development in your organisation forward. You have a three year tenure, and every year you will be asked to select initiatives and respond to events with the goal of building a high performing digital team. DevOpsDream is an attempt to inspire you to think about how you develop and run software.

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Product Development

A new private equity platform built on a distributed ledger

Client: FCX

Mechanical Rock helped to deliver the first iteration of a new centralised platform for private Australian businesses to raise capital, manage their cap table, and give investors access to buy and sell shares. It brings together a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) based registry, a capital raising capability, and a vision to provide a fully-licensed liquidity venue with real-time settlement.

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