
Check out our collection of YouTube videos, featuring popular content from our archives and great talks from our staff (past and present!) and from the local software development community. We love to cover topics like cloud native software, product development, data, DevOps, serverless and more.

Latency 2024 - Sizzle Reel

Apr 2024

Latency 2024 - Locknote Speaker: Marie Achour

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Scaling From Zero To Hero: Cloudflare Workers As Your Only Backend By Dylan Johnston

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Architecting Cloud Native Applications For Low Latency Performance By Chiedu Eluehike

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Lightning Speaker: Peta Demidenko

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Isolated Tenancy != Footgun By Ed Newsom

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - We Spent HOW MUCH?!? By James Vulling

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Lightning Speaker: Min Tan

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Platform Eng: Building The Future Brick By Brick By Stephen Tulp And Trent Steenholdt

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Meet Cedar: Adding Generation Authz For Your Cloud Native Applications By Derek Bingham

Mar 2024

Latency 2024 - Keynote Speaker: Seeing Clearly In Today’s Complex World By Anthony Woods

Mar 2024

Latency 2023 Locknote By Brooke Jamieson - From Zero To AI Hero

Sept 2023

Latency 2023 - Keynote By Peter Sbarski

Sept 2023

Latency 2023 - Breaking Up The Front End Monolith: An Introduction To Micro Frontends By Even Zhang

Sept 2023

Latency 2023 - Building With Generative AI: A 'BedtimeStory' By Brian Foody

Sept 2023

Latency 2023 - Demystifying MLOps By Nadia Reyhani & Derek Bingham

Sept 2023

Latency 2023 - Unlocking Your APIs With GraphQL By Dylan Johnston

Sept 2023

Latency 2023 - Monolith To Mesh: Canva’s Journey To A Decentralised Warehouse Platform, Jonathan Neo

Sept 2023

Latency 2023 - Sizzle Reel

Aug 2023

WayFinder Explainer Video

May 2023

Latency 2021 - How To Sec Your DevOps

Mar 2022

Latency 2021 Locknote - Space, The Final Frontier

Mar 2022

Latency 2021 Keynote - Reliability In The Cloud

Mar 2022

Latency 2021 - N+1 Ways To Sink Your platform

Mar 2022

Latency 2021 - From Start Up Founder To Fortune 500

Mar 2022

Latency Conference 2021 - Sizzle

Mar 2022

Measure What Matters - The Trojan Horse

Sept 2021

Measure What Matters - New Coke

Sept 2021

Mechanical Rock - Measure What Matters

Sept 2021

Quickmail Case Study

July 2021


Apr 2019